About Dreamland Interactive Entertainment

The Mission

Our primary mission here at Dreamland Interactive is to provide quality, unbiased, honest and credible information about UFOs, government coverup, disinformation, extraterrestrial visitation and the like. And to help further brighten the light that appears to be shining with more intensity than ever before on one of our governments deepest, darkest of secrets.

We, as I'm sure millions of you will agree, feel more empowered to retrieve and to share information than ever before with the genesis of this newly applied global communications network called the Internet! What I think we will see with the ability to access global information instantly, will be even greater difficulty in the covering up of certain events by governments world wide. I try to imagine how the Roswell incident may have played out had there been something called the Internet in 1947.

Here at Dreamland Interactive now and in the future, we will be bringing to you only the best, quality and most accurate information we can obtain! And currently in production is a fascinating series of CD-ROM interactive adventures into the world of the unknown! So, don't forget to "Bookmark" our site in your web browser and return often as we will be presenting new information constantly. Visit our "Coming Soon" section periodically as we have a Major "World Premier" announcement you will NOT want to miss!

Sincerely Ernie Greene

Ernest L Greene
President / CEO

Director of Reasearch
Director of Music
Executive Production
Project Managment
Art and Creative Direction

Skip Williamson
Executive Vice President / CFO

Executive Production
Creative / Technical Direction
Art Direction
Technical Consultant

Web site design, concept and maintenance
by Ernest L Greene

Special thanks to Alick Bartholomew

Author -
Crop Circles ~ Harbingers of World Change

Main - Debriefing - Main Gate - UFO Update! - Base Archives - UFO Discussion Group

Operation Link Exchange - Base Communications - About DLI - Coming Soon!

Whats New? - Past News - Area 51 FAQ

This site deals with the the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects, Greys, Aliens, Cattle Mutilation,
The Crop Circle Phenomenon, Government UFO Disinformation, Black Projects, Abduction, Area 51
the latest UFO updates worldwide and much more. Also many helpful UFO links, a Interactive UFO discussion group and many other informative and entertaining UFO resources. We strive to bring you only the best, quality, honest and acurate UFO infomation we can find!